Tuesday, January 12, 2010

News Release - Brainchild Achiever! Habla Espanol

ORLANDO, Florida — January 12, 2010 — Brainchild (www.brainchild.com) announced today that Achiever! —an online assessment and instruction program used to evaluate student performance on state standards—now offers test questions and tutorials in Spanish or English. Students may change the text on their screen or select audio narrations in either Spanish or English and then may toggle between to the two as needed.

“If we hand a teacher a report that tells what each student needs to work on, she might be able to differentiate instruction for one or two students but an RTI program is about doing this for every student. It is only possible to do this with a total package like Achiever! where the assessment automatically jumps the student into the activities they need.” Dr. Geeta McMillan, Cassville Elementary School, TN

Read more on BusinessWire.
See Brainchild in booth 323 at the Florida Educational Technology Conference this week in Orlando.

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