Monday, October 20, 2008

English Language Development Case Study - Oak Grove Elementary SD

The following is a case study that I have written recently for Ballard & Tighe, Publishers. Ballard & Tighe focuses solely on the development of ELD products. Writers interested in speaking to the individuals quoted in this and other case studies may contact me at and I'll help you reach the teachers/administrators.

Oak Grove Elementary School District in San Jose, California is a midsized
district where 32% of the students do not speak English as their primary
language. The district established an aggressive five-year plan with shortterm,
intermediate, and long-term goals in various areas. One of those goals
is for English language learners to advance at least one proficiency level each
year, so the district purchased Carousel of IDEAS for Title I schools to test its
effectiveness. The results have been so positive, the district decided to offer
Carousel as an option to non-Title I schools, and now these schools also are
on target to meet their achievement goals for English learners.

Click here for the link to this case study:

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