Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tale of Two Students (from the Wall Street Journal)

Wall Street Journal had this great article on Saturday, May 30, 2010.

...This fall, Ivan will enter the University of Oklahoma, armed with a prestigious scholarship. "I want to be the first Hispanic governor of Oklahoma," declares the clean-cut 18-year-old, standing on the steps of Santa Fe South High School, the charter school in the heart of this city's Hispanic enclave that he says put him on a new path.

Laura, who is 17, rose to senior class president at Capitol Hill High School, a large public school in the same neighborhood. But after scraping together enough credits to graduate, Laura isn't sure where she's headed. She never took college entrance exams. ...more...

Link to the full article: http://online.wsj.com/article_email/SB10001424052748704717004575268752238805736-lMyQjAxMTAwMDAwMTEwNDEyWj.html (Valid for 7 days for non-subscribers)

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