Friday, October 31, 2008

Economics Education in Wild Times

I have just interviewed an interesting professor who co-authored Economics: Choices & Concepts, a 2008 high school economics text published by McDougal Littell/Houghton Mifflin (now Holt McDougal) and co-author of Houghton Mifflin Social Studies. Dr. Mark Schug is Professor Emeritus at the University of Wisconsin‑Milwaukee.

We talked about the current economic climate in the U.S. and abroad. He reminded me that finance education of our young people is critical these days. Not only is there great uncertainty in the world but our generation and our children's generation live in a different time. Our parents often had company pensions to sustain them through their retirement. Now it is up to each individual to prepare for their retirement years.

Given that I am in the mix right now with my own parents, his comments hit home. My father, born in the 1930's, was self-employed and did not have the best plan in place. It is a constant juggle to manage my parent's finances. I wish my father had had any personal finance resources and education available to him when he was young. Now my mother is having to learn the basics while keeping afloat.

Dr. Schug served as a Senior Fellow with the National Council on Economic Education from 2002-2005. In addition to his university teaching, he taught high school for ten years. He has written or co-authored 200 articles, books and national curriculum materials.

He would be a great interview and I invite any media who would like to talk to him to email me at jennifer @ I'll be happy to put you in touch.

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