On March 22,
Horizon Charter School begins open enrollment for 2010-11 school year of the Roseville Academy of Math, Science and Engineering. The Academy is a free, high-rigor, college-prep academy for students in grades 7-12. Students attend classes three days a week. Non-classroom days are designed for elective instruction including music, athletics, fine arts, foreign language, robotics, computer programming and other areas of individual interest to the student.
“I love the personalized, individualized learning and individual concern of the teachers,” said Gina Morgan whose son attends seventh grade at Horizon Charter School. “We send our son here because this site gives him an opportunity to learn where there are lots of positive influences.”
Parents interested in learning more about the Academy or who wish to submit a letter of intent to enroll their child are invited to an open house:
DATE: Monday, March 22, 2010
LOCATION: Horizon Charter School, Roseville Learning Center, 911 Reserve Drive in Roseville
SCHEDULE: 4:30-5:00 – Presentation for grade 7-9
5:00-5:40 – School Tour and chance meet the teachers
5:45-6:15 – Presentation for grade 10-12
INFO: Carolyn Bakken at 916-408-5232 or
cabakken@hcs.k12.ca.us Horizon Charter School is known for its unique programs and small class sizes that foster connections with community and peers. Students learn in small groups using a project-based approach that encourages students to explore topics in great detail while building their skills in mathematics, language arts, science and social studies. Students take frequent field trips and participate in community service projects in area businesses and organizations.
As a publicly funded charter school, Horizon adheres to the same academic standards as public schools but in a creative, more individualized manner. Parents are urged to submit their applications early as space in each academy is limited.