This blog reports on the case studies, news releases, expert profiles and fast-breaking news from my clients. I also post links to relevant education and PR stories and occasionally make comments about issues of importance to my clients and network of writers, editors and reporters.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Jobs for the Future Report: Graduating America
The education system has yet to find systematic solutions for the "repeat offenders" in part, because there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Reports like this one from the Jobs for the Future foundation help identify the underlying causes and not only fix them but avoid perpetuating them.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
WSJ Article - An Apple for Your Teacher (Really about tech funding)
These WSJ links are only live for 7 days but if you want a copy of the article past that time, email me and I'll forward a pdf.
Wall Street Journal, July 22, 2009By ANNE MARIE CHAKER
It’s shaping up to be a grim year for the Spokane Public School district in Washington state. Like so many others, it is making deep cuts in everything from teaching staff to school supplies this coming school year. But there’s one bright spot for the district: The amount of federal dollars to incorporate technology in the classroom—and to train teachers to use it—is expected to double to about $160,000 from the previous year.
At the same time school districts around the nation are bracing for a round of severe belt-tightening as a result of strained state and local budgets, they’re also getting a significant bump in federal funding to make their classrooms more tech-savvy, which they hope will help improve student performance.