Friday, November 14, 2008

Rapid Resources Captures Education Award or

Rapid Resources won a 2008 Awards of Excellence from Technology & Learning magazine. Congratulations to Bill Tudor and his team for such excellent work. I have spoken to a few teachers who are using Rapid Resources and they are astounded that such a simple online resource can be so helpful to them.

Rapid Resources creates individualized learning plans for grades K-12 in math, language arts, reading and science - even for high school exit exams. Teachers can choose accelerated activities or to fill in the knowledge gaps with remediation activities. There is an integrated assessment tool that the teacher can use to quickly determine which skill a student is missing. She merely checks off boxes when a student misses a skill and then BINGO, out pops a list of activities just for that student.

I've heard of teachers sending these activities sheet home for homework with their parent. They also use them in class or can give them to classroom aides (parent volunteers in my son's school). Stop in a take a look and sign up for a 30-day trial at